A heartfelt welcome to All Saints Episcopal Church of the North Shore in Danvers, the vibrant, loving and inclusive community of faith
committed to growing spiritually, sharing our spiritual life with others, and making God’s love known through word and deed.
If you are a lifetime churchgoer or have never set foot in a church before; if you are a devout believer or a skeptic, are new to the area or
have lived here for decades, are rich or poor, straight, gay, bi or trans; if you're married, divorced or single, know this: you will find deep welcome at All Saints! We pray that our open doors offer you a wide margin of grace through which to find a connection with God’s love through this life-sustaining community.
Join us in person on Sundays in our sanctuary, on our Zoom platform to experience the beauty of worship in the Episcopal tradition and the hospitality of the All Saints community. And try our many other offerings designed to nourish our faith and build connections. They're listed below.
We would be thrilled to have you walk alongside us for a day, a season, or a lifetime.
In case of a pastoral emergency please contact
Carol B., Warden -978-979-5191 / Debra L. - (617) 863-6077
Experience All Saints Episcopal Church of the North Shore -- the faith community anchored in love.
Here, there are so many opportunities to be a part of us.
Worship with us in person, on Zoom or on Facebook Live. It's all good.
Join us for thought-provoking Bible Study, Book Club and pursue key questions about faith and belief through the lively discussion of "Frank Time!" were questioning is invited and welcome and different points of view make our lives richer together.
During our Wednesday knitting gatherings in our newly renovated Parlor, you will find comfort and company over conversation, coffee and delicious home-baked treats.
And on Fridays, prepare for your weekend with a soothing 8:30 AM servicee of Morning Prayer.
9:30 AM in the sanctuary, on Facebook Live and on Zoom
Holy Eucharist in the sanctuary and Agape meal* for Zoom
Meeting ID: 134 596 872
Phone 929-205-6099
Download the Worship Bulletin
*The Agape Meal: Join in our Spiritual Communion and Agape meal ... bring to worship a piece of bread and a small glass of wine or other beverage to share virtually as we take a moment to share nourishment from food and the love God has for us.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 6077 5904
Phone +1 929 205 6099 US
We're one vibrant congregation in two locations! Join us for our unique worship experience: in-person, blended in real time with Zoom.
There are strong leaders and hard workers throughout the parish: people who are passionate about their ministries, including altar guild, choir, outreach, parish care, property, garden and grounds care, and a number of opportunities for mission -- cooking for and delivering meals to Haven from Hunger in Peabody and collecting food and necessities for the People to People Food Bank in Danvers.
We even offer therapy dog certification and team deployment, in partnership with Dog BONES Therapy Dogs of MA, to schools, libraries, hospitals and rehabs throughout the noth shore to bring "love on a leash" to those who need it most.
At All Saints, there is an openness and responsiveness toward creating new ministries where parishioners respond to opportunities to serve as the hands, feet and heart of Jesus in the community.
And becasue we celebrate all of God's creation together, we offer robust outreach and community to humans and their animal companions through the unique and much loved Perfect Paws Pet Ministry, which this year celebrates its 13 year.
5 PM in Parish Hall, on Zoom and on Facebook Live
with Steve O'Connell, on guitar and vocals
Read all about us.
Meeting ID: 990 855 545 / Password: Saintfranc
Perfect Paws Worship Bulletin here.
Check out this month's Perfect Paws Newsletter.
Donate to Perfect Paws
You can also watch us on our Facebook page in real time during the service or at your leisure.
at 9:30 AM
Meeting ID:134 596 872
Phone 929-205-6099
Download the Worship Bulletin
Fridays at 8:30 AM
Meeting ID: 967 6077 5904
Phone +1 929 205 6099 US
10 AM. - 12 PM
in the PARLOR,
All Saints Episcopal Church
3rd Sunday of each month
at 5 PM
Meeting ID: 990 855 545
Password: Saintfranc
Perfect Paws Worship Bulletin here.
Night prayers from The Rev. Brett Johnson. You can follow along in the Book of Common Prayer, page 127.
Also known as Complin, Night Prayer, or the Prayers at the End of the Day, Compline is the final church service (or office) of the day in the Christian tradition of canonical hours. The English word compline is derived from the Latin completorium, as Compline is the completion of the working day.
The word was first used in this sense about the beginning of the 6th century by St. Benedict. Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, and certain other Christian denominations with liturgical traditions prescribe Compline services.
Compline tends to be a contemplative Office that emphasizes spiritual peace. In many monasteries it is the custom to begin the "Great Silence" after Compline, during which the whole community, including guests, observes silence throughout the night until the morning service the next day.
We are worshiping in person and online through our Zoom Internet conferencing platform. Follow along by downloading the weekly service bulletin. You can retrieve it below.
You are never alone at All Saints Episcopal Church of the North Shore, where our clergy and Lay Liturgical Ministers offer attentive care for those who seek emotional and spiritual support. Feel welcomed and embraced by this extraordinary faith community anchored in love. Contact The Parish Office to make an appointment. In case of emergency, reach out directly to our Warden, Carol Bouffard.
More than 40 different ministries stand ready to engage your heart and nourish your soul. From our Feeding and Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministries to our Church School, Worship Planning, Finance and Property Oversight to Perfect Paws Pet Ministry, Hospitality, Newcomers and Special Events -- each offers exciting opportunities to dive deep into mission and service.
Walk with us in love and faith; share life's journey through the arc of life. Our priest -- along with our faith community -- celebrates the joys of baptism, confirmation and weddings with you; offers comfort and care during difficult times, and provides deep, compassionate support during times of crisis and loss.
Discover our newest offering: The St. Francis Meditation and Pet Memorial Garden dedicated by Episcopal Bishop Gayle Harris, and the site of our twice-yearly Ceremony of the Roses, during which we honor beloved pets who have died by placing sealed urns with cremains and memorial stones among the roses, hyacinths, ferns and other beautiful plants and shrubs in the garden .
All Saints has accessibility ramps, a wheelchair lift, copies of our service bulletins and the Book of Common Prayer in Braille, and, we recently installed a hearing assistance system with portable receivers available for those needing assistance.
Please ask an usher for the use of a unit. You will be welcome here!
Tall or short, stout or lean, biker, hiker, tree hugger; blue collar, white collar, or no collar at all; gay, straight, trans, questioning or somewhere in between; believer, seeker, or on the fence; if you’re conservative, liberal, progressive, libertarian, or could care less about politics; if you were a kid, are a kid, have kids, act like a kid, or never wanted kids at all. You'll find welcome at All Saints Episcopal Church because God lives here.
46 Cherry St, Danvers, MA 01923, US
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