Inside our church home, visitors frequently comment on how the traditional New England reserve evaporates, making newcomers feel genuinely welcome.
Our commitment to love our neighbors goes beyond our sanctuary and building, into the "mission field," where we strive to love and serve God as the hands and heart of Christ in our world.
Together, we cook and serve the hungry, collect warm clothes, backpacks and school supplies for children and their families in our extended communities who are less fortunate than we, and organize and offer outreach support where and how it it can matter most -- collecting food and supplies for the Danvers People to People Food Pantry, offering meditation and support for prisoners, knitting prayer shawls to comfort those in hospitals and rehabs and in special circumstances, welcoming the elderly to celebratory monthly luncheons to help stave off isolation and loneliness, offering support and encouragement for victims of domestic violence, raising money and supplies for disaster victims, and traveling beyond our borders to help communities in need with love and human-power. Most recently, parish volunteers traveled to Navajoland, Arizona, to assist in rebuilding a burned out hospital.
WE CELEBRATE OUR DIFFERENCES: active parishioners might be part of a four-generation church-going family, or they might have just joined the church last year; they might have lived in the area all their lives, or might have just moved into Danvers, Peabody, Boxford, Georgetown, Middleton or any of the other communities in the region that we serve. They may have been raised in the Episcopal church, or they might have been raised as a Roman Catholic, or in a totally different faith tradition or community.
Many who have chosen to become part of the All Saints community, had never before been part of church, and they rejoice in having found family here.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME. REALLY! There are differences of age, ethnicity, sexual and gender orientation, education, economic condition, and family status, but people at All Saints value those differences and draw strength from the varied perspectives.
OUR CONGREGATION IS ENGAGED AND INVOLVED. There are strong leaders and hard workers throughout the parish. Lay ministers are passionate about their ministries, including altar guild, choir, outreach, parish care, hospitality, special events, communications, finance, and the Perfect Paws Pet Ministry.
And there is always an openness and responsiveness toward creating new ministries where parishioners see or feel a need.
Hard working parishioners organize wonderful fellowship-building and fund-raising events: yard sales, community spaghetti suppers, the annual Crafters’ Fair and Vendors’ Expo, Shrove Tuesday Pancake and bean suppers, and participate in the annual Peabody International Festival, where we staff a table offering home-made strawberry shortcake.
Other events are organized to build a social spirit and celebrate community within the parish: our popular gifts of the parish auction, and –- as part of the town-wide Danvers Family Festival each summer -- an Ice Cream Sundae Carnival featuring delectable ice cream sundaes with homemade hot fudge and carnival games. We invite people to connect to God in new ways, offering unique opportunities to come together to worship and give thanks through the monthly Perfect Paws Pet Ministry, which attracts between 30 and 50 people and their animal companions, on a regular basis, and of course, there is the beloved north shore tradition sponsored by All Saints -- the Blessing of the Animals, on the first Saturday of every October, on our church "green.” Free and open to all faiths, the Blessing is a much-loved annual tradition on the north shore.
Find out more about Baptisms / Weddings / Funerals at All Saints North Shore.
Find out more about the Episcopal Church: What we believe.