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Meeting ID: 990 855 545 / Password: Saintfranc
Fran Weil, pet chaplain and lay ministers / Steve O'Connell, guitar and vocals
A Virtual Gathering of Caring Love, Community and Hope in the time of COVID-19, on Zoom
**Download the monthly Worship Bulletin.**
Share with us in the joy of community as we come together through our individual desktop computers, tablets, smartphones and even landline phones! You don't even need a camera or microphone on your device to participate. We are having a 'live' online Perfect Paws service and Spiritual Communion -- an Agape feast you will hear more about -- as we gather to celebrate our love of God and all creation and appreciate the animal companions who enhance our lives. Joining with others from our respective homes, together we will hear and listen, sing and pray and participate in a cherished event that will bring us closer together to heal and renew and appreciate, even in this time of pandemic. Bring a piece of bread and a glass of wine or other beverage to share virtually in this Spirit-filled gathering of love.
Find us on Zoom.us: https://zoom.us/j/990855545?pwd=YVN4bzFhOEpLZkY3Y1dxQkt2OTJMdz09
Meeting ID: 990 855 545 / Password: Saintfranc
Landline call numbers from all over the world -- most free -- are available here
This month's Perfect Paws Newsletter.
Perfect Paws is a unique ministry and outreach for people of all faiths and their beloved animal companions!
We welcome you and your household animals to share in community with us -- to worship, pray, sing, and remember beloved animals who have died. Together, we also celebrate the blessing of new animals that grace our lives, as we foster an attitude of joy and gratitude for all creation.
In addition to our monthly worship service -- the third Sunday or each month, at 5 p.m., currently on Zoom but prior to Covid, in Parish Hall -- we offer certified pet loss bereavement counseling, free of charge (email for information or an appointment). Our on-going support for the Danvers People to People Food Bank, through our community-wide collections of pet food and supplies, for people who find it difficult to provide for beloved animal companions, has raised nearly three tons for pet food in the last two years.
The Perfect Paws partnership with Dog B.O.N.E.S. Therapy Dogs of Massachusetts, enables us to offer therapy dog workshops, certification and deployment throughout the north shore, for visits to people in need at hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers, and at schools and colleges, where our teams works with children who are reluctant and beginning readers, special needs learners and students who need to de-stress because of exams or other circumstances.
Our once-monthly Perfect Paws Pet Ministry newsletter (read samples below and subscribe) goes to people all over the world who have opted in, and "Paper Animal Prayers" people submit by email -- for those animal friends suffering from illness or those recently deceased -- allow our congregation to offer healing prayers for their people.
Our Pet Chaplain provides bolstering support through Veterinary Companioning for people whose animals are ill, facing surgery or euthanasia.
HELP SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY. We offer comfort, joy and community for all who love animals through:
Live music, pet prayers and blessings too.
Download our brochure for more info.
Watch our services 'live' on Facebook the third Sunday of each month. Thank you.
• To offer a loving, supportive community for humans going through life transitions with their pets, including animal adoptions, fostering, rescue, trauma, illness and euthanasia.
• To minister to the needs of humans dealing with the loss of companion animals through our pet loss bereavement program.
• To certify and deploy Therapy Dog teams, in partnership with Dog B.O.N.E.S. Therapy Dogs of MA, to provide love, comfort and companionship to all who seek it.
• To inspire collaboration with local organizations for the good of all animals and the humans who care for them.
Sample one of our first services on video. Perfect Paws was launched in May, 2010, prior to the creation of All Saints North Shore through merger with Calvary and St. Paul's Episcopal churches.
Rain or shine on the "green" in front of All Saints North Shore ... bring your animal friends, your family and your neighbors for this special time to honor or pets. Ample free, on-street parking is available.
The Blessing coincides with the annual Feast of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals.
The Rev. Marya DeCarlen, All Saint's rec
Rain or shine on the "green" in front of All Saints North Shore ... bring your animal friends, your family and your neighbors for this special time to honor or pets. Ample free, on-street parking is available.
The Blessing coincides with the annual Feast of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals.
The Rev. Marya DeCarlen, All Saint's rector, will preside over this beloved community event that welcomes all, regardless of species and/or religion or spiritual belief.
Rev. DeCarlen will offer hands-on blessings for all creatures in attendance -- ferrets, birds, cats, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, horses, goats, pigs, fish, and other domesticated animals -- and she will also bless photographs and paper prayers for those animals that are unable to attend due to illness, geography or temperament, or those that have passed on.
The St. Francis Garden -- dedicated on Sunday, October 6, 2019 by The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts -- provides a safe, comforting and beautiful location for grieving, prayer, and meditation. All pets -- regardless of their person's faith affiliation -- are welcome to be memorialize
The St. Francis Garden -- dedicated on Sunday, October 6, 2019 by The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts -- provides a safe, comforting and beautiful location for grieving, prayer, and meditation. All pets -- regardless of their person's faith affiliation -- are welcome to be memorialized in the Garden with an engraved remembrance river stone or, in the case of cremains, to rest peacefully and eternally in the Garden, at the heart of the church.
If you are interested in a final resting place for your beloved animal by interring your pet’s cremains in the St. Francis Garden -- in an engraved, hermetically sealed above-ground limestone or in-ground pvc urn -- or if you prefer to memorialize your deceased animal companion with a stone or river rock marker with your animal’s name imprinted on it, please contact us (perfectpawsministry@gmail.com) for details, examples and pricing.
Our certification workshops are held regularly from fall through the end of spring and run three consecutive Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The workshops are held at All Saints Shore, 46 Cherry St., Danvers, MA 01923. Maximum enrollment is eight. Workshop fee is $50 per dog registered.
Please check for upcoming workshop dates and read
Our certification workshops are held regularly from fall through the end of spring and run three consecutive Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The workshops are held at All Saints Shore, 46 Cherry St., Danvers, MA 01923. Maximum enrollment is eight. Workshop fee is $50 per dog registered.
Please check for upcoming workshop dates and read the Workshop Registration Information before completing the Registration Form.
Contact Dog BONES with any questions you have at dogbonestherapydogs@gmail.com
On the 3rd Sunday in November at 5 p.m. you are invited to remember, to celebrate and to grieve over a much-loved animal companion you have lost. Sing, pray and share in this beautiful service of love and remembrance. All faiths and no faiths are welcome to attend.
We welcome people of all faiths -- with their household animals --the third Sunday of each month, from 5 to 5:30 p.m.
Fran Weil, Pet Chaplain
Live music by Steve O'Connell
46 Cherry St, Danvers, MA 01923, US
(978) 774-1150 -- Parish Office 978-869-7258 - Pet Chaplain Email: petministrytherapydogs@gmail.com