Perfect Paws Pet Ministry (PPPM), which fosters love and respect for all of God's creatures -- offers the Circle of Healing pet loss bereavement support service through our APLB-certified Pet Loss Bereavement Counselor and Pet Chaplain.
The loss of a beloved animal companion can be excruciating and, in many ways, equal to the loss of a human friend or family member.
Our Pet Chaplain and certified Pet Loss Bereavement Counselor welcomes anyone who is anticipating or has recently experienced the loss or a much loved animal friend.
Our bereavement support is always offered without charge, although donations are gratefully accepted.
Please contact our Pet Chaplain to book an appointment. We meet in the parlor of All Saints Episcopal Church of the North Shore, 46 Cherry Street, Danvers, MA.
The grief that comes with the loss of an animal companion, whose life we share so completely, is normal and expected. Yet, often, the impact of loss and the resulting grief can be equal to or sometimes greater than the loss of a human friend or relative.
The bond between an animal friend and its human is often deeply intimate -- devoid of the complications that can accompany human relationships.
Although each person's grief is as unique as his or her relationship is with a beloved animal, there are stages of grief that humans experience when a pet dies: shock and disbelief, anger, alienation, distancing, denial, guilt, depression, and ultimately, acceptance and resolution.
Not everyone experiences them all, or in the same order, yet, grief for a deceased animal friend can come in waves and be powerful and overwhelming.
Our goal is to support and comfort those in their grief and help people learn how to navigate through difficult times.
The Perfect Paws Circle of Healing Pet Loss Counseling service strives to empathetically minister to people who struggle with anticipated or recent pet loss, to help them find support and validation for their grief, as well as solace, peace, renewal and hope.
At Circle of Healing, recent grievers, or those anticipating a loss, discover that they are not alone.
Our sessions offer a comforting, nurturing and supportive environment in which the bereaved is free to openly and safely express his or her feelings.
•Individual consultations with our Pet Loss Bereavement Counselor
•Group sessions and community support
•Referrals to licensed psychotherapists if requested
•Education about grief, loss and acceptance
•Bereavement resources
•Remembrance and tribute programs
•Blessing of pet remains by our Priest
•Memorial Services for family and friends by our Pet Chaplain
We offer opportunities for those who are grieving the loss of a beloved animal friend to meet in a group, share stories about their animals, talk about coping strategies, be in community to support and care for one another, and celebrate deceased animals with the lighting of memorial candles and simple meditations.